Hello y'all,
I was so fucking pleased when I saw that so many people actually auditioned. I know I wouldn't. The problem is though, that even though I already posted a list with people that I will contact, I'm not really in the mood to do it right now.
There's a lot going on and I'm a total soccer fan. Especially right now, with 'Oranje' going through to the semi-finals and hopefully the finals (I'll keep my fingers crossed). I will get it done though in some time. Ever since I put down a deadline for the project I started being more careless about it and started concentrating on other stuff.
I don't know why, but something inside me makes me completely gay and slow when I put some final date down. I guess it's because I always had this craving to stress myself out for no apparent reason. Oh well, I got an E-mail from some Indian guy from a company called keyframeanimations.com, don't know what the fuck that means, probably not going to answer it. Like I usually do.